Auditorium Seating Capacity

Auditorium seating capacity is an important issue that affects the design and functionality of your auditorium hall as well as its revenue. Auditorium hall capacity determines how many people the hall can accommodate and the seating arrangements of the audience coming to your hall.

Auditorium Seating Capacity

As important as the size of the hall is, many issues such as the shape of your hall, the number of seats you can fit, the seating arrangement, the slope of your hall also affect the auditorium hall capacity. Auditorium seating capacity is a factor that directly affects your income, all other factors being constant. If a 500-seat auditorium hall can be made to accommodate 550 seats with some arrangements, it means that for every 10 event revenues, 1 event revenue is earned. 10% capacity increase brings great profitability in the long run.

To increase the capacity of the auditorium hall, you first need to analyze the current situation of your hall in detail. You should thoroughly calculate the width of your hall, the area where the stage is located, the height of the stage and the hall. In addition, considering the features of your hall such as what kind of floor it has, where the entrance and exit doors are located will give you a more accurate result.

Auditorium Seat Models

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Auditorium Capacity

Not everyone is a professional in everything. For this reason, it will be in your best interest to work with a good architect. Reducing the seat widths to increase the auditorium hall capacity may sound logical at first. But before making such a decision, you should investigate whether your customers will complain about the narrowness of the seats. Auditorium seats should be at least 50cm wide. Of course, this width is the width without armrests.

The most common method of increasing auditorium seating capacity is shared armrest seating. In this way, you will save both capacity and auditorium seats costs.

Auditorium Seats

As Seatorium, the leading auditorium seating manufacturer, we offer the most suitable solutions for all your auditorium seating projects. With our wide range of products and customization options, we are ready to work together for all your seating projects.

Some Models
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Theater Seating